
The Passion to Build Better

Jason Rhees, CEO, has over 25 years of experience in the building materials industry in executive level roles throughout Oldcastle Inc. and CRH. Oldcastle, established in 1978, has become the largest building materials company in the US.

Ken Ritzman, COO, was an executive with SC Design, Inc., operating design centers and installing products for residential home builders. He started his career with RSM McGladrey and was Managing Partner of the San Diego office.

Greg Garrison, VP of Construction, is a seasoned building industry expert with multi-million dollar commercial and residential project construction experience. He brings extensive construction and value engineering expertise.

Randy Hartwick, Director of Products & Quality, has over 25 years of successful product development experience, including leading multi-national design teams and managing offshore manufacturing in Asia. His experience spans from construction to robotics.

Gabby Zimmerman, Marketing Director, brings a fresh, exciting perspective to the building technology space. She has a passion for marketing a product that was established to disrupt the construction industry for the better. Gabby provides HercuTech with bold and intentional marketing initiatives.

Jay Hofland, Director of Special Projects has over 30 years of manufacturing and construction experience in semi-conductor, aerospace, structural panel design, manufacturing and installation. Jay provides HercuWall projects with onsite installation support. Jay is passionate about coaching, teaching and training our installation partners.

Michael J. Merkle Preconstruction Manager, brings over 30 years’ experience in the construction industry. Michaels experience in both commercial and residential, coupled with his hands on construction experience, sales, and design expertise allows Michael to be a valued partner to all of our customers and always focused on providing solutions.

Patrick Van Poppelen, Director of Plant Operations, is a 5th generation in concrete block manufacturing and has over 20 years of manufacturing experience. Passionate for coaching and developing top performers, Patrick has successfully managed multi-million-dollar plant projects from major CAPEX improvements to construction of new facilities.

Jodi Avianantos, Controller, has over 15 years of experience in finance, operations, real estate, and development. Jodi is a hands-on finance leader, focused on creating value through transformational technologies, process improvements and strategic analysis. She is passionate about innovative and technology-driven companies.

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